Wednesday 28 March 2018

Allison Homes cash boost for Good Neighbour Scheme

Charlotte Barber Allison Homes Gosberton & Quadring Good Neighbour Scheme
We are delighted to have been able to provide a cash boost for a worthy cause close to the Pinchbeck Fields development. The Gosberton and Quadring Good Neighbour Scheme applied for cash from the Larkfleet Hones Community Fund and we were happy to answer the call.

The fund was set up to help community groups and ventures which support the Larkfleet vision of integrating new developments into the community. It supports charities like the Good Neighbour Scheme which are based within ten miles (16 kilometres) of any Allison Homes or Larkfleet Homes housing development.

We welcomed the application from the Gosberton and Quadring Good Neighbour Scheme because it supports residents and unites the community, and because it’s close to our development at Pinchbeck Fields, just north of Spalding.

The Good Neighbour Scheme is a national initiative being rolled out to villages in isolated and remote areas by voluntary services. It is aimed at assisting people who don’t have a support network and those who need help in times of crisis. The scheme helps people obtain services that would normally be inaccessible to them by providing them with transport and highlighting other local services that are available to them.

This initiative is designed to combat loneliness and isolation by encouraging its users to be socially active. Ultimately this will help to ease pressure on GPs' surgeries which have seen a rise in patients with no medical requirements attending clinics simply because they are lonely.

The Gosberton and Quadring Good Neighbour Scheme was launched at an event where a cheque from the Larkfleet Homes Community Fund was handed over by our own Charlotte Barber (pictured on the right holding the cheque).

It’s important to us that when we build new homes for people, we develop real communities. We are delighted to support charities and volunteer groups, like the Gosberton and Quadring Good Neighbour Scheme, in the areas where we are working. Groups like this are very often the backbone of the community and the value of the support which this funding offers to the people who use their services is immeasurable.

Jane Parker of the Gosberton and Quadring Good Neighbour Scheme told us: “As a community organisation we are passionate about bringing together a wide range of people from our community. It helps reduce isolation for some and helps others access services that they would otherwise not be able to.

“The money from Allison Homes and the Larkfleet Homes Community Fund will help to fund our core activities, including providing transport and companionship and helping with small household tasks.

“We also want to hold afternoon tea events and coffee mornings and to start up a lunch club and a walking group. This funding will help us to do that.”