Tuesday 3 April 2018

Express yourself through painting

art interior design
Series 2 of the BBC’s Big Painting Challenge started on BBC One last weekend. In the programme, passionate amateur artists undertake an intensive six-week painting 'boot camp' to hone their skills in a bid to become the overall champion.

Artists, whether amateur or professional, will have a certain style with which they are comfortable. This can say a lot about their personalities.

Many of us, though, are less keen to put brush to canvass and prefer to buy the art that brightens up the walls of our homes. But what we choose can still say a lot about us.

A study that was carried out by the University of Amsterdam found that people who like abstract art are most likely to be risk-taking sensation seekers. Those who prefer traditional figurative pictures tend towards order, rules and hierarchy at home and in the workplace.

This piece in the Huffington Post  is a bit of fun and shows how famous paintings can reflect your personality.

And if you have a creative streak and enjoy creating certain types of images, your personality may be broadly similar depending on the style you adopt.

If you are looking for artwork to brighten up your walls have a look here for some inspiration.