Sunday 18 March 2018

Enjoy a treat this Easter

Allison Homes Easter food hot cross buns
Spring is just around the corner now and we are almost at Easter. With the end of Lenten abstinence, we can now turn our attention to the wealth of traditional Easter food treats that are waiting to be enjoyed – guilt-free.

One popular tried and tested Easter treat is the hot crossed bun, traditionally served on Good Friday.

This sweet and spicy treat is great toasted and served with butter. There are some luxury hot cross buns to be had. Asda’s offering got the ‘thumbs up’ from Good Housekeeping.

All the major supermarkets sell hot cross buns. Marks and Spencer luxury hot cross buns are also up there.

If you would like to have a go at making your own hot cross buns there are loads of recipes out there. The BBC website has this or this one

Paul Hollywood is hot right now. Why not give his recipe for hot cross buns a try? You can find it here.
Another traditional food served at Easter is the Simnel Cake. It is a fruit cake with a marzipan topping decorated with marzipan balls representing Jesus and the apostles. Traditionally served on the middle Sunday of Lent when the 40-day fasting rule was relaxed, Simnel cake is served toasted at Easter. Later, the cake was given by serving girls to their mums when they visited home on Mothering Sunday.

Again, there is a plethora of recipes for Simnel cake online. These two, one from Delia Smith the other from TV’s Paul Hollywood again, are as good as they get.

As well as buns and cakes there are also plenty of chocolate treats to enjoy at this time of year. Make ours a Cadbury’s Cream Egg.

It is also becoming popular to serve a special Sunday lunch at Easter. Usually, this might be ham or lamb. If you are stuck for ideas visit the BBC website for inspiration.

Finally, make the most of the improving weather to get out and about. If you are house hunting pay a visit to one of our show homes for inspiration. We look forward to meeting you.