Saturday 10 March 2018

Things to do in the garden in March

Gardening in March
Although the weathermen like to start Meteorological Spring on 1 March, true Spring is still a couple of weeks away - 21 March to be exact.

Hopefully we’ve seen the last of the snow. The days are lengthening. Bulbs such as snow drops and early daffodils have emerged and are blooming.

The weather is starting to warm up, prompting life into dormant plants. Now that Spring is just around the corner, it’s time to catch up on some of those jobs in the garden so that things don’t run away with you when the growing season begins in earnest.

Here a few tips on what you should taking on now:
  • Start preparing seed beds and sowing seeds
  • Cut back winter shrubs
  • Protect new shoots from slugs
  • Trim lawn edges
  • Mow the lawn on dry days as required
  • Hoe beds regularly and mulch weeds to keep them under control
  • Prune bush and climbing roses
If you are into growing your own veg there are lots of things you could be doing in the garden now that the days are getting longer, dryer and warmer.
  • Cultivate and prepare seed beds
  • Plant onions, shallots and garlic
  • Chit early and main crop potatoes
  • Sow seeds outdoors in mild areas for veg such as broad beans, carrots, parsnips, beetroot, summer cabbage – but only if the weather is suitable
For more gardening tips and details of what to grow visit the Royal Horticultural Society website.