Thursday 15 March 2018

Larkfleet Homes nominated for community work

Better Society Awards shortlist Larkfleet Homes Allison Homes
Fabulous news. Our colleagues at Larkfleet Homes have been shortlisted to win a Better Society Award for philanthropy. We’re very excited for them and really pleased that the work which Allison Homes and Larkfleet do in the communities where we have developments has received national recognition.

Larkfleet was nominated for its Community Fund, which was set up to help communities in the areas where we and they are building. The fund supports charitable projects that enhance or develop a local community. It is part of our commitment to supporting the existing communities within which we and Larkfleet Homes are developing new homes. It also underlines our aim of helping the integration of our new developments within those communities. Any charitable cause or community project that operates within ten miles (16 kilometres) of any Allison Homes or Larkfleet Homes development can apply for grants of between £250 and £5,000 awarded quarterly.

The fund has welcomed applications from groups that promote the environment, support residents or bring communities together. In the most recent funding round grants were awarded to each of seven projects that have made a positive impact within their communities.
  • Thorney Parish Council, for a zip-wire, trampolines, outdoor gym and swings for the older children of Thorney.
  • Leicestershire and Rutland Wildlife Trust received a grant of £1,450 to provide wood-working equipment for retiree volunteers to produce signage for interpretation and education.
  • Donnington Parish Council received a grant of £475 towards a garden shed, tools, a bird table, compost, plants and decking to form herb and wild flower beds.
  • Families First Peterborough CIC received a grant of £1,000 to fund an arts and crafts workshop for young people /adults who are Care Leavers.
  • Sawtry and District Bowling Club received a grant of £1,045 to provide two ramps to improve access to the bowling green and club house.
  • Moulton Chapel Youth & Community Centre, to build a playground including inclusive play equipment for children of all abilities.
  • Somerset Sight Limited received a grant of £5,000 to reduce isolation and loneliness by providing six additional outings for 12 sight impaired adults per outing.
The fund is open for applications on the Allison Homes website here.

In the meantime, we’re got our fingers crossed for Larkfleet Homes. The winners will be announced at an the awards ceremony on 24 May. We hope they win!