Wednesday 21 March 2018

Spring has sprung - at last!

Easter eggs Spring Equinox
It was the first day of Spring this week. The Vernal (Spring) Equinox – when the hours of day and night are roughly equal – was yesterday, Tuesday 20 March.

It couldn’t have come soon enough as far as we’re concerned at Allison Homes. And hopefully we’ve seen the last of the snow and the ‘Beast from the East’ too!

The improving weather and upcoming Easter holidays will hopefully encourage you out and about – perhaps to one of our show homes?

Some people reckon Spring had already Sprung – on 1 March. This is a construct of the weathermen designed to make it easier to describe the seasons for weather forecasting; Winter is December, January and February, Spring is March, April and May, Summer is June, July and August, and Autumn is September, October and November.

The astronomical seasons, which coincide with the Vernal and Autumnal Equinoxes and the Summer and Winter Solstice’s, are not quite as convenient. But we firmly believe that it’s true Spring.

To mark the occasion, we thought it would a bit of fun to have a look at some of the traditions that surround this celestial event and the coming of Spring.

Balance an egg
Following an ancient Chinese tradition, it is claimed by some that the Equinox is the only day of the year when an egg can be perfectly balanced on its end. Egg balancing is believed to bring good luck and prosperity.

New Year
In some parts of the world the equinox marks the start of the New Year. The Iranian New Year or Noruz has been celebrated according to Zoroastrian tradition for 3,000 years. Lasting for 12 days the celebrations include visiting friends and family and the exchange of gifts.

Moveable feasts
The Equinox plays a role in calculating the dates for Jewish Passover and Christian Easter. Passover is observed on the first full moon after the equinox. The date of Easter Sunday is usually the first Sunday after the first full moon occurring after the March equinox. Because this changes Easter can be as early as 22 March or as late as 25 April.

In many Christian cultures, eggs are closely linked with Easter. Also known as Paschal eggs, these are usually decorated chicken eggs that symbolize fertility and rebirth. Many Easter related events feature the Easter egg as the central theme. Traditional games like egg hunts, where children search for colourful Easter eggs; egg rolling, where eggs are rolled down a hill; and egg dancing, where eggs are laid on the floor and people dance while trying not to damage them, are held all around the world.

And don’t forget chocolate eggs!