Tuesday 30 January 2018

Get out into the garden

gardening tips allison homes
January is coming to an end, and as February heaves into sight Spring is just around the corner.

As the days start to lengthen, bulbs are stirring into life. Early flowering daffodils and snowdrops are coming into flower to bring a splash of early colour. With the renewal of life in the garden it’s time to get out there!

Here is a list of jobs that you should be thinking about tackling now:

  • Start getting your vegetable seed beds ready.
  • Chit seed potatoes ready for planting – especially those first earlies.
  • Divide any bulbs that need planting and get them in the ground.
  • Prune hardy shrubs, climbers and evergreen hedges.
  • Keep an eye on the lawn. Brush away any worm casts and keep an eye out for moles. If the weather is warmer you may need to cut the grass. Mow only when the grass is dry with your mower set to its highest setting.
  • Start edging your lawns to bring back that crisp appearance.
  • Dahlia tubers can be brought back to life by leaving them in a light warm place to sprout. As soon as they have sprouted you can plant them.
  • Hardy annual flowers can be sown now.
  • Keep on top of weeds in the flower beds.

There are plenty of other things that you can be getting on with. Visit the Royal Horticultural Society’s website for more.