Wednesday 3 January 2018

10 New Year's resolutions every homeowner should consider

Allison Homes New Year's resolutions
Did you make any New Year’s resolutions this year? Perhaps you are thinking about losing some weight, cutting down on alcohol or giving up smoking? Maybe you want to get out and take more exercise?

Whatever your resolutions there is a likely chance that you didn’t think about some TLC for your home.

Well, there is still time to have a think about some ideas and put them into action.

To help you, the team at Allison Homes has pulled together our Top 10.
  1. Top of everyone’s list is decluttering. There is a great feeling to be had when you get extra breathing space from getting rid of all the old stuff you no longer need or use from the shed or garage.
  2. Likes and dislikes – have a look around you home. Decide what you really like – and what you don’t. Keep what you like and get rid of what you don’t. Sounds obvious, but you would be surprised about how more positive your home will feel.
  3. Watch your spending – resolve to by only the things you really need for your home, not those dodgy kitchen gadgets that will end up at the back of a cupboard or cluttering up the work surface after just one use.
  4. Do treat yourself – use fresh flowers to brighten up the place or get some nice smelling candles. You could also consider saving for a bigger treat like an expensive work of art for example.
  5. Ban shoes – get your family and visitors to remove their shoes before they come into your home. That will stop the carpets getting dirty or your hardwood floors getting scuffed. Make it easy for them by having a shoe rack by the front door.
  6. Go energy efficient – Get insulated. Switch your normal lighting to low energy or LED bulbs. Investigate installing solar energy, ground or air-source heat pumps. Traditionally built Allison Homes often have solar PV installed already.
  7. Safety checks – Check smoke and carbon dioxide detectors function properly. Ensure all your electrical items are safe and consider having a PAT – a 'portable appliance test' that ensures appliances and other electrical equipment are safe to use. Check gas appliances too.
  8. Mortgage payments – if you can, increase your mortgage payments if you have some spare income. You will shorten the period of your loan. Shop around – look around for better deals and consider switching your mortgage provider if you can get a better rate and the terms of your current deal allow. Don’t forget to do the same when your home insurance comes around for renewal.
  9. Community volunteering – why not think about putting something back into the community? Things to consider are setting up a community garden or neighbourhood watch scheme.
  10. Learn DIY skills – ever thought about how much time and cash you could save if you could just sort out that leaking tap or re-wire that plug? You can do the job quickly and you don’t need to pay someone. There are courses at local adult education colleges like this one.