Tuesday 5 June 2018

It’s time for a posh shed

Allison Homes posh shed writing hut
One of the ways in which you can make the most of your exterior space is to incorporate a summer room, tiki hut, garden office or shepherd’s hut. The list is endless.

The web is full of ideas for posh sheds, from Gothic style outhouses to ultra-modern architectural.
It really depends on what you want to use your outdoor room for – whether it’s for entertaining, a cottage workshop, an additional garage, an extension to your daily living space, storage for your garden tools or your bikes, or simply as space to relax in with your favourite read and a glass of wine on a summer evening.

Are you literary-minded and seeking a refuge and place of inspiration to pour your golden words onto the page? If you buy a kit or have a custom-made shed built you will be in good company. Charles Dickens had his Swiss Chalet at his home in Rochester, Kent. Sheds don’t come much posher than that. Roald Dahl wrote many of his famous children’s books in his Writing Hut. He got the idea from Dylan Thomas, who used to write in a shed overlooking the Taf Estuary in Wales. Even David Cameron has got in on the act. He reportedly spent £25,000 on a shepherd’s hut in which to write.

An increasing number of people are working from home. Rather than shuffling into a spare room in their pyjamas, homeworkers are creating offices in their gardens. It’s more professional and because they have actually left the house there is a sense of ‘being at work’. The ‘Shoffice’ (a portmanteau work made up of ‘shed’ and ‘office’) is now a thing.

Sheds have often been thought of as a refuge for blokes, where they can go and do ‘blokey’ things. Now, ‘she-sheds’ are becoming fashionable as women seek outdoor spaces to practise arts, crafts or yoga for instance.

Whatever your needs there will be a design for you. Have a look at Pinterest  or Houzz. There are also a myriad specialist companies out there that will build your dream shed for you. These include firms like The Posh Shed Company and Shackadelic or more local businesses such as Crane Garden Buildings.
Remember, the garden in a new Allison Homes property makes an ideal outdoor space in which to place your posh shed. Have a look at our website for more details on buying a new Allison Homes house.