Wednesday 14 February 2018

Allison Homes' tips for hosting your own Chinese New Year party

Chinese New Year Year of the Dog Allison Homes
Looking at the weather outside, you might think that at this time of year there's nothing much to celebrate. But you'd be wrong. It seems that we’re becoming more multicultural when it comes to looking for an excuse for a good party. We've had Burns' Night and Mardi Gras. Now it's China's turn.

Chinese New Year begins officially on  Friday this week (16 February). According to the Chinese zodiac, this year is the Year of the Dog. The Spring Festival to usher in the new year lasts until 2 March.

Some cities with significant Chinese communities will be hosting special celebrations. In London this year a variety of cultural events will be held on Sunday 18 February. It’s the largest Chinese New Year celebration held outside Asia, so it’s definitely worth a visit.

If you prefer to stay at home, why not host your own Chinese New Year themed party? Here are some ideas of things that you can do to make your celebrations go with a bang. Literally, in the case of the last idea on the list!
  • Clean the house before the party – cleaning symbolises sweeping away accumulated bad luck.
  • Prepare boxes of candied fruit or chocolate coins to give to your guests.
  • Get lots of your favourite Chinese food in to share with guests and family. Cantonese chicken and fish is particularly good.
  • Dress up – the key colour is red. Wear a red jumper, scarf or shoes. This will bring you good luck in the coming year.
  • Buy something red for the house – paper cut window grilles, lanterns and dog toys are ideal decorations for the home and garden.
  • Serve oranges and tangerines – they represent wealth, good luck and happiness.
  • Give a gift of a small amount of money to parting guests – older generations often give gifts of money in red envelopes to the younger generation in Asian cultures.
  • Get some Chinese fire crackers to let off – but do consider the neighbours and remember to follow the firework code and be safe.