Wednesday 22 November 2017

Allison Homes tips for a happy Hygge life

Allison Homes Hygge lifestyle
Hygge – pronounced (who-ga) – is a Danish lifestyle concept that is becoming popular in the UK. It’s a great way to make the melancholic late autumn and winter months more bearable.

The concept is ingrained in Danish culture. Hygge boils down to happiness and well-being - feeling comfortable and content, taking pleasure in the simple things that life has to offer.

In a book published earlier this year called the Little Book of Hyyge, author and CEO of the Happiness Research Institute of Copenhagen Meik Wiking defined Hygge as an atmosphere and experience. It’s about being with loved ones, feeling at home and feeling safe.

Sounds simple and wonderful doesn’t it? But how do we achieve Hygge in our busy modern lives?

Here a few tips we have gleaned;
  • Natural lighting – turn off the electric lights and get out the candles.
  • Have fireplace or wood burner? Light up and bathe in the warmth and light of a real fire.
  • Get comfy. Take a break.
  • Be here now. Put down your phones and turn off your internet connected devices and ignore social media for a while.
  • Build relationships. Spend time with your family and closest friends. How about inviting them around for a night of board games and home-made treats?
  • Take a break from the demands of healthy living. Cake is most definitely Hygge. Get into home-cooked comfort foods.
  • Live life today, like there is no coffee tomorrow.
  • Dress up in your most comfortable clothes, curl up in your favourite chair with a hot drink and read a good book.
 Whatever you do, be happy.